FuntimesWithMatt is mostly from High School and the MattyDP1 on Livejournal is mostly from freshman year at college...but now I upload videos and random media onto it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Trip to Syracuse
So, I just got done editing my first little video for the blog. I hope you enjoy it! :-)
My First Video Blog
But just in case you don't like is a breakdown of the weekends' events. On Friday night, Marissa read from her brothers new musical entitled "The Giving Tree." We also thought it would be a great idea to watch Borat while drinking an entire bottle of wine. It went down like water, weird! Had some fun with cheese...yes, sliced cheese.
and then called it a night.
We needed our "diva" sleep for the next day. (Ha...bad reference to the pillow. Ok, I'll stop now) We went to the SU game on Saturday...pretty much for no reason. They are probably the worst team I have ever seen! (Sorry...but it's true.) Still, we had fun amusing ourselves. Oh yeah! When we went to get our beers, the lady asked for ID. Of course, I'm confident that I have it in my wallet and I hand it to her, and she says,"this expired two years ago." My stomach dropped. I ALWAYS have my ID. I grab it's my "UNDER 21" ID., I start to freak out b/c I have absolutely no idea where it could be. I start to think we left it at the liquor store the night before...but then I realize that we didn't get carded there. I scramble through my wallet...trying to convince the woman that this never happens to me and that I really am 21. She didn't seem thrilled. FINALLY I find it after showing her that I have about 3 other expired ID's (which is technically illegal to have). Anyways, we got our $5 Mich Lite and moved on with our day. Theeeeeeeeen, as night time rolled around, we decided to meet up with some of Marissa's friends at a Japanese restaurant for some Sake bombing! :-) After racking up a bill over $205, we jumped in a cab to head downtown. This is when the profanity begins. Our driver, Jack, decided to hit on Marissa and call all the other girls extremely bad words (I don't even feel comfortable saying it). As the night continues...things get weirder.
The next morning, Marissa and I are babysitting her cousins, RJ and Dakota. She decided to take this as an opportunity to get a back rub from them. Afterwards, we were all sitting around watching some T&J (Tom & Jerry for you guys that don't know the lingo), and we were bored. I had noticed in the kitchen that there was a bottle of windex on the counter, and I was thinking I should clean my windows 'cause of all the dead bugs. Apparently, the kids REALLY wanted to clean my windows. So...thats what we did! Ha....weird, I know. But at least I gave them a little ride in the wagon as a thank you. :-)
After our trip around the block, swing on the play set and some goodbyes...I headed back to Rochester. Although we had some really random things happen, I had a great time! Thanks Marissa! :-)
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