I'm in an AWFUL mood right now (not much changed, huh?) I decided to go to the gym tonight around 7:30pm. I did my usual thing and when I came back to my locker to retrieve my items and be on my way...the locker door was wide open. All of my stuff was gone.
Luckily I was smart enough not to bring in my wallet, but I was dumb enough to NEVER, I mean never lock my locker. So my sweatshirt, running pants and KEYS were gone. Thrilling. I frantically search through the other lockers hoping I misjudged which was mine. No luck.
I ran out to the cage (that's RIT talk ;-) and asked them if anyone had returned some keys or lost clothing. No luck again. They seemed less than worried and advised me to "look around in the locker room some more."
After I decided to throw in the towel and admit that it had all been stolen, I ventured over to the library. At this time, I had no access to my car, cell phone or wallet. I couldn't call anyone, drive anywhere or take the bus...because I had no money.
I go on every single communication system I know; Gmail, Meebo, Facebook, MySpace, etc. I search out ANYONE who could help me. Eventually, I got hold of my friend Mark (THANK YOU!!!) and he offers to help me out. He calls my roommate for me--I find a place to stay for a while in Rochester...blah blah. Eventually, Mark picks me up at the bus stop and we drive to my car. We call for the University Police to come break into my car.
Now this was weird. I needed NO identification or proof that this was my car...just a signature. Weird. After about 15 minutes we managed to break into my trusty red mercury sable (vomit). However...it's not like I have keys to drive it or anything! After I retrieve my cell phone and wallet, we venture to Rochester.
Upon arriving in Rochester we find out that my roommate wont be able to be home until 12:30am (it's around 10pm). That wasn't so bad...so I just chilled (did I just say chilled?) at a friends until then. At 12:30am Mike called (THANK YOU!!!) and I finally got in the apartment.
Luckily I have a spare key to my car and Jessica (THANK YOU!!!) is going to give me a ride tomorrow. Hopefully, a locksmith (aka: Wal-Mart or Home Depot) will make a copy of a key that plainly says "DO NOT DUPLICATE." Ha. :-)
Anyways...........things seemed to work out fine, but it was not an enjoyable evening. Especially being outside in shorts all night. Ugh.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah, my Mobil Speedpass was on my keys--but hopefully my thief isn't out going on a spending spree at Mobil right now. Who knows....they did steal some pretty random and old stuff. Ugh.
Thanks for letting me vent and GOODNIGHT!
PS - Always lock your shit up. Even in Henrietta...theft happens. :-(